AGM and Trophy Presentation
The Angling Section AGM and trophy presentation will be held on Wednesday 16 November 2022 at 7.30pm.
Competitions and Trophies – Fresh Water
Watten Cup | Loch Watten |
Shalin Cup | Loch Meadie |
J Greig Memorial Rosebowl | Loch Calder |
Swanson Rosebowl | Loch St Johns |
J Davidson Memorial Trophy | Loch Wester |
W Morrison Memorial Trophy | Loch Watten |
Catherine Dempster Memorial Trophy | Loch Toftingal |
M Cameron Memorial Trophy | Loch Olginey |
Margaret Oag Trophy | Heaviest fish caught during the season (must be confirmed) |
Des Parker Memorial Trophy | Most points gained during and 7 out of 8 Club competitions |
Alec Cameron Memorial Trophy | Greatest number of fish caught in any 7 out of 8 Club competitions |
Secretary’s Trophy | Heaviest fish caught in RBL waters |
Carnoustie Trophy | Heaviest fish off Loch Watten |
Starting Times
April, May & September – All lochs may be booked for the whole day.
June, July & August – All lochs have 2 booking periods:
- 08:00 hours to 17:00 hours
- 17:00 hours to 23:00 hours
Boats Available
Loch Calder |
Loch St Johns |
Loch Watten |
Loch Olginey |
Loch Scarmlate |
Loch Meadie |
Loch Heilan |
Safety Equipment
Members using RBL boats must wear flotation devices and are entirely responsible for their own and boat safety.
Visiting anglers from RBL Branches can affiliate to the Thurso branch for fishing and use of the boats.
Any enquiries to Alec Dempster 01847 894468 or John Blake 01847 894725.
Fresh Water
- Angling fees must be paid before facilities can be used.
- Strictly fly fishing only from all boats.
- Sunday fishing – Loch Meadie, Loch Calder and Loch St Johns only.
- Starting and finishing (stated below) are “from and to club hut”.
- Both members and partners/guests must “sign out” when leaving hut.
- Booking not fulfilled within one hour of stated time can be taken as cancelled.
- Use engine pertaining to particular loch.
- Engines to be returned nightly to hut.
- Boats to be oared from & to berth so that engine operates in deep water only.
- All catches to be recorded for record purposes.
- All damage to boats or engines to be recorded on return to hut.
- One advance booking per boat only.
- Partners, where applicable, to be named in boating diary.
- Any infringement of the above rules could mean loss of angling permit.
- All complaints must be made in writing & addressed to the Angling Secretary.
- The Thurso Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland Angling Section accept no liability for accidents resulting in death, injury or accident causing loss or damage to equipment or property.
Sea Angling
- Trips will be run under rules laid down by SFSA except where Angling Section decree otherwise.
- A total of 10 anglers per trip allowed.
- Members allowed one trip per fortnight unless vacancies exist after 21:00 hours on the Sunday prior to the trip.
- Members families aged 14 to 17 years can accompany a parent or grandparent for the same fee provided there is a vacancy after 21:00 hours on the Monday prior to the trip.
- Guests are not allowed to be booked before 21:00 hours on the Monday prior to the trip.
- Book closes at approximately 21:15 hours on the Monday prior to the trip. After book is closed Members must check with the duty boat steward to ascertain if places are available.
- Advance booking limited to one per trip.
- Booking sheet held in fishing desk.
- For sailing times, see booking sheet.
- Boat positions shall be drawn for.
- All complaints must be made in writing & addressed to the Angling Secretary.
- Tackle – See Angling Newsletter.
- Angling fees must be paid before facilities can be used.
- The Thurso Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland Angling Section accept no liability for accidents resulting in death, injury or accident causing loss or damage to equipment or property.
His partner in boat L Robertson also a RBL Angling Committee Member caught a fish of 11lbs 6ozs and returned a further 5lb fish on the same day.
His partner in boat L Robertson also a RBL Angling Committee Member caught a fish of 11lbs 6ozs and returned a further 5lb fish on the same day.
Bill Dickson, Scarfskerry who is one of the RBL Angling Committee Members proudly displays his brown trout of a lifetime which he caught on Loch Heilan on 20th May 2019, weighing 15lbs 6ozs. This fish won him the Trout & Salmon , trout of the month competition prize of a Sharps trout Rod and Landing Net.
Edinburgh , Lothian & Borders
Glasgow , Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway
Heaviest fish weighing 2lbs 9ozs was caught by Willie Petrie, Angus,Perthshire & Fife team. Fishing was not the best but all teams enjoyed their day and had great praise for the Hospitality received from Thurso branch Angling Section and all hoping to return for another go at Loch Watten sometime soon.
The Thurso RBL Angling Section AGM and trophy presentation was held in December 2019. Click here to see the minutes and the pictures of the presentations