Fundraising - Armed Forces Day 2024
Royal British Legion Scotland
Following Special Conference in September 2025 the Strategic Transformation Committee have been moving forward with the work required to create a plan for the organisation detailing the reviews and changes required to guarantee the future of RBLS. This and the associated programme can be found on this website.
For the work to progress and positive changes to be implemented EVERYONE in the organisation will need to be engaged in the detail of this document and the communications and updates which will continue through the year.
Royal British Legion Scotland (Legion Scotland) make a difference every day to the lives of Scotland’s veterans through providing community, friendship and practical advice, whether they left military service yesterday or 50 plus years ago.
Our membership is open to the ex-service community and their dependants, those still serving and all those who support the aims and objectives of the organisation.
By joining, you are showing your support and helping to make life better for the ex-service community.
Poppy Appeal
Poppyscotland run the iconic Scottish poppy appeal. They reach out to those who have served, those still serving, and their families at times of crisis and need by offering vital, practical advice, assistance and funding MORE…
Legion Scotland are the custodians of remembrance in Scotland, for those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to the nation regardless of age or conflict, including the maintenance of local war memorials MORE…
About Us
The Thurso Branch of Legion Scotland (also known as the Royal British Legion Scotland), is one of nearly 160 Legion Scotland branches across Scotland. MORE…